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RES-Q 2 System for rescue, self-evacuation, descent, length 40m NEW 2023
Product code: FA7011140

RES-Q 2, downward evacuation device, 40 m

Res-Q 2 is the perfect device for quick rescue operations.

Made of aluminium alloy and high-strength steel and 9.6 mm diameter semi static kernmantle rope assembled with the device.
Rope ends with double figure of 8 knots for connection with karabiner. Provided with 2 hooks ref. FA 50 220 21.

Controlled descent speed: < 2 m / sec, regardless the weight (max. weight 141 kg).

Maximum descent height: 250 m.

Brake system: Automatic and redundant.

Maximum no. of users: 1 user - 141 kg.

Inspection: Once a year or every 2000 m of rope.

Available in 2 lengths: 20 m (FA 70 111 20), 40 m (FA 70 111 40).

For specific lengths, you need to associate the following references:
- FA 70 111 00: Device only.
- FA 70 109 99: Kernmantle rope per meter.
- FA 70 109 98: Required length of rope with double “figure of 8” knots and automatic locking hook.

Compliance: EN 341:2011-1B.
Instruction - KRATOS SAFETY Res-Q 2 (BKLKT103) Instruction Download
Data sheet - FA 70 111 XX Data sheet Download
Declaration of Conformity - FA7011140 Declaration of Conformity Download

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