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Universal Kit for Manual Evacuation, length 20 mtrs
Product code: FA7002720

Kit available in 3 versions:
FA 70 027 20 - 20 m
FA 70 027 30 - 30 m
FA 70 027 50 - 50 m

Versatile rescue kit, particularly suited to complex environments where it is necessary to be able to control the speed of descent (or to be able to stop at any level). This device enables downward evacuation as well as ascending on a rope by a few meters (e.g., in order to be able to ascend to a platform).

Kit made up of the following components:
• One descender - Ref. FA 70 021 00,

• One evacuation rope - Ref. FA 70 010 99 (depending on the version of the set 20 m, 30 m, 50 m), supplied with one connector - Ref. FA 50 302 22B,

• Two 1.5m long anchoring rings - Ref. FA 60 005 15,

• Two Aluminium karabiners - Ref. FA 50 302 22B,

• One green guiding rope, supplied with one connector - Ref. FA 50 302 22B:
- length 30 m - Ref. FA 70 900 30 for version FA 70 027 20
- length 40 m - Ref. FA 70 900 40, for version FA 70 027 30
- length 60 m - Ref. FA 70 900 60, for version FA 70 027 50

• One reeving kit; this sub-system is pre-assembled and made up of the following components:
- One top rope clamp and one bottom rope clamp Ref. FA 70 015 00,
- One rope, length: 5 m- Ref. FA 70 010 99(05),
- One top pulley and one bottom pulley - Ref. FA 70 017 00,
- One oval quick link - Ref. FA 50 400 10 and one Delta quick link - Ref. FA 50 401 10,

• One 58 litre carrying bag - Ref. FA 90 106 00.
OPTIONS: Telescopic rescue pole - Ref. FA 70 020 00, scaffold hook – Ref FA 50 208 60.
Instruction - FA7002720, FA7002730, FA7002750 Instruction Download
Data sheet - FA7002720 Data sheet Download

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